We / I the legal guardian(s) of the above named minor child do hereby give consent and approval for said child’s participation in any and all activities of the NORWOOD PARK YOUTH ASSOCIATION, (NPYBA), during the current season. In consideration of said child’s acceptance in such activities, We / I the undersigned, do agree to indemnify and hold harmless the NPYBA, it’s Directors, Officers, Managers, Coaches and Agents, without regard to any negligence on their part, against any and all claims for damages, compensation or otherwise including any and all losses & expenses caused to or by our child while participating in activities of the NPYBA. We /I further agree to return all moneys, tickets, items, equipment, etc., on time, to the proper authority or be held liable for same. We /I further agree to return all money, tickets, items, equipment, etc. on time, to the
proper authority or be held liable for the same. We / I understand NO
REFUNDS will be issued after a child receives his / her uniform, or
portion thereof, refunds prior to that could be prorated and at the discretion of the league President.  We / I also understand a LATE FEE of $20.00 can be added if registration is after our stated end registration date. Â
nfectious Disease: By signing this waiver and release from liability, the undersigned, on behalf of themselves and on behalf of his/her child, acknowledges the contagious nature of COVID-19 and other infectious diseases and voluntarily assumes the risk that they may be exposed to or infected by COVID-19 or other infectious diseases by virtue of the participation of your son/daughter in Norwood Park Youth Baseball/Softball and that such exposure and/or infection may result in personal injury, illness, permanent disability or death. The undersigned understands and acknowledges that becoming exposed to or infected by COVID-19 or other infectious diseases during participation in Norwood Park Baseball/Softball is a known risk and by signing of this document, hereby waives liability and holds harmless Norwood Park Youth Baseball, its board members, directors, agents, representatives, volunteers, its coaches and players and their families. The undersigned voluntarily agrees to assume all of the risks of contracting COVID-19 or other infectious diseases associated with participation in any Norwood Park Youth Baseball activities and accepts sole responsibility for any injury to themselves or their child resulting from the same. The undersigned hereby releases, covenants not to sue, discharges and holds harmless Norwood Park Youth Baseball, its board members, directors, agents, representatives, volunteers, its coaches and players and their families from any claims relating to the contraction of infectious diseases, including but not limited to COVID-19.    Â
Participation in any Norwood Park Youth Association activity requires all members and their guests to follow all guidelines and mandates that the City of Chicago, The Chicago Park District and Norwood Park Youth Association have in place for any and all activities. Failure to follow the stated guidelines/mandates could result in being removed from the league without refund.